How do you get kids to eat more fruits and vegetables? Make it fun! Claire and Bill Wurtzel have been doing fun and interactive workshops in schools since 2012 to improve children’s eating habits. Their initiative is in response to the childhood obesity and diabetes crisis. Kids are enthralled when Bill shows images of his work and demonstrates how he creates imaginative food art The kids get to make their own food art with fruits and vegetables. This hands-on, playful atmosphere entices kids and families to taste fruits, and vegetables they may never tried before. The kids are encouraged to try new foods and expand their pallets. When they make it, they eat it.
"In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play."
– Fredrich Nietzsche
Two of our books “Meshuggah Food Faces” and “Foodie Faces” lend themselves to workshops .Meshuggah Food Faces: Adult workshop. We talk about our own backgrounds that inspired this book of Jewish humor-both visually and written.
Bill shows his work and demonstrates how he creates his art.
Foodie Faces: Children 5-11. This book shows 22 emotions expressed by Bill’s images. We do a reading and then kids get to express their feelings through creating food art.
Bill and Claire Wurtzel demonstrate the importance of play for adults. Play strengthens our creative powers and inspires innovation.
"Play unlocks the human potential in all stages of life." - Stuart Brown, Stanford University
Past Corporate & Educational Events
Goldman Sachs, MTA Wellness Day, Hidden Sparks educators' retreat, Bank Street College, North Belmore Library, Mohonk Mountain House couples weekend, Kipp School faculty, Jenner's Pond Retirement Community, Scatter Joy Arts Center
Bill is a renowned jazz guitarist and demonstrates the connection between improvising music and spontaneous play with food. His workshops include Jazz at Lincoln Center and TAMABA music school in Buenos Aires.
Past Family & Children Workshops
PS 188 (5), Churchill School, Bank Street School for Children (4), Jazz at Lincoln Center, Henrys Restaurant,
Mickey Mantle School for children with autism, International Association of Culinary Professionals, American Museum of Natural History (2), Children’s Museum of Manhattan, PS 276 (2), Glenn Beck Show, Greenwich Street Greenmarket, Austin Texas Book Festival, Bryant Park Kids Food Festival, Chelsea Market, PS 261, Mazel School (3), Sweden Winter Garden School, Norwalk Children’s Museum, KIPP School, MTA, Stepping Stone Museum,
Newark Education Charter School, The Meeting House, Butter Beans Camp, Shefa School (3), Hidden Sparks , Innovate School, Mohonk Mountain House (3), Jenner's Pond Senior’s Community, Scatter Joy Arts Center (4),
St. Mary's Hospital, Cottle School, Publicolor (3), Fairway Markets (10), Harlem Children’s Zone (2), Williams Sonoma, CAMP, Project Open Seniors, Hadassah/Pittsburgh (2)